Capture One Pro Trial Reset

In this video I'll show you a simple and effective way of how you can reset the trial period of almost any software program that gives you a trial feature.Yo. Capture One Pro 20 installation and usage won’t take a lot of time. Just visit the official website and create a personal account. It will take a few minutes and you’ll get a Capture One Pro trial for 30 days. When the registration is finished, go to the “Download” tab to choose one of the available versions of Capture One. Great to see you here. Join our insightful photographic forum today and start tapping into a huge wealth of photographic knowledge. Completing our simple registration process will allow you to gain access to exclusive content, add your own topics and posts, share your work and connect with other members through your own private inbox!

Uninstall or Reset Capture One. Uninstalling Capture One on a Mac. An updated post has been written for Mac OS X 1. When upgrading to a newer Capture One software, we recommend that you do a clean uninstall and then install the latest version Capture One version. Phase One Capture One Pro x64 9.3.0 Build 085 Download Capture One Pro 10. Capture One Pro Crack 11.3.1 is full modern digital professional picture processing application for PC. It presents the resolution to capture and adjust images. Or consultant printing here. You may also are interested with free download. Capture one 12pro trial reset; Capture One Pro 11 3 1; Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens.

Download Capture One Pro 11

Capture One Pro features are developed with the world’s best photographers


The exceptional power of the new processing engine and flexibility of Capture One Pro 9 gives you complete control over your creative process – Whatever your passion.
Color Balance
Make intuitive color grading effortlessly simple with the Color Balance Tool. Choose Hue and Luminosity for Shadows, Mid Tones and Highlights in turn.
Dynamic Locations
Automate the destination of images in your Import and Export workflows. Use ‘tokens’ to easily extract image metadata and create multiple export threads.
Keywords and Keywords Libraries
Create multiple keyword libraries to manage different lists with ease. Add and remove keywords from multiple images with simple clicks.
OpenCL Display
Leverage the dedicated graphics capabilities of your system to accelerate Browsing, Zooming and Processing.
NEW Processing Engine
Make your vision reality with optimized Rescaling, Contrast, Exposure and Brightness Tools, and Local Curves.
Instant Tethered Capture
Connect your compatible Canon, Nikon, Sony, Leaf or Phase One camera to capture images instantly. Show Live View directly in Capture One to simplify composition and aid accurate focusing. Seamlessly collaborate with your clients with Capture Pilot for iOS and Web.


Quality is nothing without the ability to deliver it with precision and repeatability. Capture One is developed for professionals who shoot every day and need the right tools to deliver the quality that clients demand.
Heighten Contrast and Impact – with total precision – without destroying shadow and highlight details.
Color Management
Beautiful color starts with hand crafted profiles for each camera. Capture One supports dynamic proofing and both RGB and CMYK workflows.
New Contrast and Brightness Algorithm
Give your photographs a more natural look using the powerful new processing capabilities.
Lens Corrections
Correct distortion, chromatic abberation and light fall off from Capture One’s extensive library of lens profiles or instantly from the manufacturers profile.
Luma Curve
Adjust curves with Luma only. Fine tune contrast leaving Hue and Saturation unaffected.
Enhanced rescaling
Retain the same quality and sharpness, regardless of the output size of your images.


The more control you have the faster you can realize your vision. Capture One Pro 9 is built on this idea – the new suite of tools allow you to create images with incredible precision.
Color Editor
Define the exact color tones you wish to adjust and the optimal way to do it. Go further and use these with a Local Adjustment Mask.
Dodge & Burn
Use Opacity, Flow and the new Airbrush mode to create versatile masks for localized adjustments – all while using complete RAW data.
Focus Mask
Determine the images that are in focus with the Focus Mask effortlessly quickly. Remove the need to check images individually with the focus peaking-like Tool.
Reduce or eliminate distortion in one click with the Keystone Tool. Define the area of concern and Capture One Pro 9 will correct it perfectly – with no guesswork required.
Local Curves
Apply the precise curve you want with a Local Adjustment Mask. Target the exact areas of your image that require the adjustment and leave out others that don’t – with total confidence.
Create Masks From Color values
Transform color selections picked in the Color Editor into a Local Adjustment Mask with just one click. Mask tricky areas or skin selections easier than ever before.

New Image Editing Tools:
– Revised contrast engine: Changes have been made to the algorithms of colour, saturation and contrast. The colour editor has been revised to align design with the color balance tool. Handles are made easier to use and adjust, and the tool is now scalable when undocked.
– Masks from colour editor: The colour editor now allows the user to make a mask from a color edit.
– New Brush pack: Tool changes include the addition of flow, airbrush, straight line brushing, and the ability to link brushes.
– Luma curves and local curves: Added to the curve tool palette, Luma curves can be used to create contrast curves without affecting saturation. Also, curves can be used locally.
– Battery status for toolbar: This new tool can be placed on the toolbar where it gives a power supply overview to the attached tethered camera, warning photographers of low power during a shoot.
– Export EIP for catalogs: Catalog users can now benefit from EIP export for easy transportation of RAW and Settings, off system. In the Export originals panel, there is now an option to Export as EIP. Sessions users can also choose to Export originals. This creates a workflow in which the original RAW and adjustments are not packed – instead a copy is made, packed as EIP.
– DNG colours: This new feature allows Capture One Pro to treat and display supported camera files that have been converted to DNG (and include the RAW file in the DNG package), as if in their original format.

New Asset Management Tools:
– Keywords Tool: Keywords may be added and removed from images. The standard Capture One tool tips for local reset, local copy apply, pre-sets and help are available for this tool.
– Keyword Libraries: Used to manage the list (or lists) of keywords in a catalog or a session. As the Keywords tool adds keywords to images, the document Keyword Library is populated. This forms a keyword list for any and all terms in the current document and is unique for the session or the catalog.
– Sortable Keywords: Unique to Capture One Pro 9, users are able to reorder keywords in the Keywords tool for single image selections.


Note: Windows version comes with Trial reset. Which means, you will have to reset it after every 29 days. Don’t worry, you only have to double click on given file, and it will work fine. Trial version comes with 100% tools and full version but for 30 days.

Install notes:
– Install a version TRIAL
– The trial version is fully functional for 30 days
– Every 29 days, add an entry to the system registry file (Trial_reset.reg) (double click on it, simply)
– After adding an entry will reset the counter for the next 30 days

Phase One Capture One Pro 9.0.1 Build 13 – 64bit Multilanguage

  • 140.46 MB
  • seeders:65
  • leechers:2

Capture One Pro v9.0.2 – Mac OS X

  • 318.4 MB
  • seeders:32
  • leechers:0

Note: To crack MAC OSX Version, follow below instructions.

Open the Crack.then the App….en put the app inside the crack.thats the way.

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Capture One can run in four modes: Pro, Pro (for Sony), Express (for Sony), and DB. You need a license key for both Pro modes and activate your installation with that key. Activating Capture One Pro and how to manage your activations is what you learn from this post.

Activating Capture One Pro

You have a license key and need to activate Capture One Pro to be able to use it. However, activation is not always as straightforward as it is meant to be. How does it work and what should you do if it does not?

Another topic is that you can manage your activations. You can deactivate Capture One to free up activation for use on another system. Or you need to know how many activations you still have left.

Activation Requirements

Activation is required for Capture One Pro and Pro (for Sony). Without activation, you can use the program for a limited time, the 30-day trial period. The screenshot below shows the product selector that you see when you start Capture One for the first time.

Other running modes like Capture One DB and Express (for Sony) do not require activation. You can read more on the different Capture One running modes in Capture One Modes.

To activate Capture One the following three requirements apply.

  1. a workstation with Capture One installed
    • you need access to the internet and administrative user account
  2. a license key
    • delivered with your CD-ROM, via your Phase One partner or directly from Phase One in the mail
  3. a Phase One profile
    • know your account name and password

The workstation with Capture One, the license key and the Phase One profile are each required to successfully activate Capture One Pro.

Step 1 – Install Capture One

First, you install Capture One on your workstation. Use the installer from the free download.

For Mac users, make sure you drag Capture One to your main Application folder as indicated. Do not run the program from the installer!

Admin Account

To be able to install Capture One on your workstation the account you are logged in with must be an Administrator user account, not a Standard user account. Most users are not aware of that as they only have one user account on the system, which is automatically an Administrator account. It means that you are able to activate Capture One as well.

I prefer not to use my computer while being the Administrator from a security point of view. As a result, I have at least two user accounts on each computer, one Administrator for installations and one Standard user for day-to-day work.

Start Capture One

Next, start Capture One. On the Select Product screen (see above) you choose your product. If you choose Pro or Pro (for Sony) you are welcomed with a What would you like to do? screen.

Assuming you already have a license key, select Activate to start the Activation process and enter your license key and Phase One profile as I will explain below. If you do not have a license key, click on Buy and come back later to activate.

Step 2 – Enter Your License Key

The next step in activating Capture One Pro is that you enter your license key.

In the Activate Capture One dialog you first enter your license key in the License Code field. The license key is what you get when you buy Capture One Pro, whether it is a full product or an upgrade. If you have it in an e-mail or saved it in a document, just copy and paste it here.

The license key consists of four times four characters, alphanumeric. After you entered your key Capture One checks whether you have not made any typing errors. If not, it says Valid license code for Capture One Pro.

In the next step, you connect to your Phase One profile.

Step 3 – Connect To Phase One Profile

In the second part of the Activate Capture One dialog make sure you select the Online Activation tab. The alternative method of Manual Activation I will discuss later.

Your Phase One profile is your account with Phase One. Your account name and password secure the profile so that only you can access it. The account name is an e-mail address you own.

The Phase One profile plays a critical role during activation. When you activate a license key for the first time, the key is stored in your profile. This means that you can retrieve your license key when you log in to your Phase One profile as I will show later.

If you, later on, activate the same license key again, on a second workstation, for example, you must use the same profile, that is your e-mail address that belongs to your profile because profile and key are connected.

I assume you already have a Phase One profile as you probably logged on to the Phase One website to download Capture One.

Get Profile

You fill in your e-mail address and click on the Get Profile button.

In the new dialog, you enter your password. When you click the OK button Capture One retrieves your name and country from your profile and fills in the Activate Capture One dialog.

In case you lost your password, click on the E-mail My Password button. You will receive an e-mail at the e-mail address you provided for a new password.

Now everything is ready to activate. Press the Activate button and wait for the confirmation. Note that you need an internet connection during activation.

Now your license key is linked to your profile and your workstation linked to your license key. The activation is stored in both your computer and the Phase One activation server. Each time you start Capture One Pro the activation on your computer is checked for validation by the Phase One activation server.

Manage Activations

Capture One Pro 12 Trial Reset

Now that you have activated Capture One successfully, the next stage is to manage your activations. That sounds more complicated then it is. There are three aspects of activation management.

  1. control the number of activations
  2. deactivate Capture One
  3. upgrade your license key to upgrade Capture One Pro

I will discuss each aspect in detail now.

Number Of Activations

The license you purchased comes with a number of activations. The amount of activations depends on the type of license. Each activation decreases the number of activations for your license key with one (1).

A single-user perpetual license of Capture One Pro 10 has 3 activations and a subscription 2 activations. There are also multi-user licenses for Capture One Pro 10 that allow for 5, 10 or more activations.
A single-user perpetual license of Capture One Pro (for Sony) 10 has 2 activations.

The screenshot above shows the license status from Capture One. Go to Capture One menu > License. Notice that you can deactivate Capture One from this screen.

You can also review the license status including deactivation from the Phase One website. See the section on deactivation below.

Deactivating Capture One

When you deactivate Capture One you effectively unmount the license key from the Capture One installation on your workstation. The installation with its preferences and user settings is left untouched. Deactivation ups the activation counter by one (1) and allow you to activate Capture One on a different system in case you run out of activations.

Typical scenarios for deactivation are the purchase of a new computer or computer maintenance where activation would be lost, like formatting and fully reinstalling a system.

You can deactivate Capture One from the program and from the Phase One website.

Deactivate From Capture One

On Mac, go to Capture One 10 menu > License and on Windows, go to Help > License Information. Here you find a full status of the license, including the number of activations left and the Activation History. See the last screenshot above.

Don’t be confused by the Free upgrades left indicator. This value is mostly zero (0).

Deactivate From Phase One Website

You log in at the Phase One website > My Pages with your user name and password that belongs to your Phase One profile. Go to the Software License section. Select a product from the list. Read the number of activations left and click on Activation History. Select the computer from the list and click Reset Activation or Reset All Activations if you like to deactivate all computers that use that product.

Note the Computer ID and ID number that you can use to cross-reference with the License screen in Capture One to deactivate the right system.

Using the Phase One website to deactivate is often used when a system had a disk crash and the activation is lost. Here you can restore the activation.

Upgrade Capture One

When you upgrade your existing license to a higher version, for example from Capture One Pro 9 to Pro 10, your old key is replaced by the new key and you pay a reduced fee for the new license. This means that the license key for the older version is invalidated the moment you purchase the upgrade for that key.

With the new license key, you obviously activate the new version. In case you like to use an older version on the same or another computer, you can use the new key for that too.

Please note that both a major upgrade as well as a point update reset the trial counter, in case you like to try it first.

Manual Activation

Since Capture One Pro 10 you now can activate manually, also known as Offline Activation. This allows you to activate a system that is not connected to the internet via another system that is connected. It is also useful for a (system) manager with employees with Capture One workstations that are offline.

The procedure for Manual or Offline Activation is:

  • open Capture One application on the offline computer you wish to activate
    • on Mac go to Capture One 10 > License
    • on Windows go to Help > License Information
      • select Manual Activation tab, type in your license code
      • copy the Registration Key
  • go to the Phase One website > My Pages > Software License > Offline Activation
    • enter or paste the Registration Key
    • click on Generate Activation Key button
    • copy the Activation Key
    • logoff from the Phase One website
  • go back to Capture One application where you left to copy the Registration Key
    • paste the Activation Key
    • click on Activate button

Troubleshooting Activation

Hopefully, any problems with activation will be something of the past. In case you still encounter any issues, please follow the checklist below.

  1. you installed Capture One properly; if in doubt, remove, download and install Capture One again
  2. you have a valid license key for the version you attempt to activate; if you have used the license key before, check the characters of the key from the Phase One website (see below)
  3. you have access to your Phase One profile; to check login into the Phase One website and check your license key (see above)
  4. check that you have a solid internet connection
  5. maybe the activation server is busy; circumvent high traffic periods; typically the first 24-48 hours after a major release
  6. contact support at Phase One Support and select Login / Profile Assistance from the drop-down list when you create a support case

Password Manager

It is very important that you keep your account credentials safe, which means that you can access it when needed and nobody else can. Saving passwords is a common thread for many of us. It should not be that way as there is an easy solution for this challenge.


You either record your passwords in a small notebook you store in your drawer or better yet, you use a password manager. A good password manager can also securely store license keys for you.


Selecting a decent password manager and spending some time to set it up is a sensible thing to do. Note that you can synchronize your logins with your other devices as well.

A well-known password manager is 1Password that you can get from Agilebits or the Mac AppStore. Neglect their subscription if you are not a fan of that and go for the standalone purchase. Also available for iOS in the AppStore.

Thanks to the password manager I have unique and very strong passwords for each account I have on the internet. And even better, I never have to type any of them, ruling out typos for instant access.

Thank you

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Want to try Capture One? Or would you like to buy it?

Best Regards,

Capture One Trial Reset

Image Alchemist