Ffa Officer Installation Script
Ridgedale FFA members attended the OSU Hockey Game with the FFA Chapters across Ohio with 45 Ridgedale members attend the Game. The OSU Marching Band actually preformed script Ohio on the Ice. Students had a great chapter bonding and experience the Schott. Chair’s Script Calling the Meeting to Order Chair: The Chair will call the meeting to order by saying: “Good (Afternoon/Evening)! It’s (state the time) and I’d like to call the (date) meeting of the (name of BCC) to order. Roll call, please. Secretary/ Support Calls each member by name, noting their presence.
Congratulations to the seventeen students that were inducted into the Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda (FBLA-PBL) CTSO on December 3, 2015 at Scotland High School. FBLA-PBL is the premier student career organization in the world.
Of our chapter – installation of our new officers and directors. We are excited about the potential our chapter has for further growth and development under these new leaders. Thanks to Outgoing Officers At the same time this is the occasion for us to recognize those individuals who have served as officers and directors for the past year. The Ridge Point FFA Officers are overseen by the FFA advisor(s), with support by the school administrative office. The chapter officers for the school year will be as the Ridge Point FFA Chapter Officer Handbook defines. Results for the Ridge Point FFA Chapter Officer Team will be presented at the End-of-Year Awards Banquet.
Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc. (FBLA-PBL) is the largest career student organization in the world. Each year, FBLA-PBL helps over 250,000 members prepare for careers in business. FBLA-PBL’s mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs.
Ms. Tilisa Adkins, FBLA Advisor led the ceremony along with members Walter Jackson, Valeed Cheema, Noah Player, and Marquel Bryant. Officers for the 2015- 2016 school year are as follows: Yasmine Garcia-President; Marquel Bryant and Jacob Young-Vice President, Vice President; Taylor Jernigan-Secretary; and Megan Decker-Treasurer. Following the officer installation, the newly installed president, Yasmine Garcia, led the induction ceremony for new members. The members and officers recited the FBLA Creed to say the beliefs of FBLA as members.
Ffa Officer Installation Ceremony Script
Inducted members included: Aaniya Alford, Alexis Britt, Makayla Brown, Montrall Campbell, Karrigan Campbell, Tamesha Fairley, Dystini Greene, Whitney Harper, Hunter Jernigan, Quaneisha Kelly, Precious Lee, DaQuel Liles, Gabby Locklear, Akia McLaurin, Sasha McLaurin, and Miya Livingston, Megan Vanderhall. For more information, please visit http://www.fbla-pbl.org/about-fbla/.
Ffa Officer Installation Script
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