Greater Than Or Equal To In Microsoft Word Mac
As soon as you press Alt+X after typing the code, Word will convert those numbers into a Delta symbol. Delta symbol Shortcut for Mac. For Mac users, the easiest way to insert the Delta symbol into MS Word is to use the keyboard shortcut. The Delta Symbol shortcut for Mac is Option+J. To use this shortcut, press and hold the Option key whilst. Typing Mathematical Symbols in Mac. On Mac, you can use the hexadecimal code values with alt or option keys to type mathematical symbols. For example, option + 2A76 will produce the three equal symbols like ⩶. You should change the keyboard input to Unicode Hex Input for using alt codes in Mac. Using Character Viewer in Mac.
Alternatively called an angle bracket, the greater thansymbol (>) is found on all computer keyboards. Usually, it's on the same key as the period on U.S. keyboards. The greater than symbol resembles an arrow pointing to the right and is commonly used in math and computer programming.
Greater Than Or Equal To Symbol In Word Mac
TipThe wide edge of the greater than symbol always faces the larger number. For example, in '5 > 1,' the large opening of the symbol is facing the 5, which is the bigger number.
Where is the greater than on the keyboard?
Below is an overview of a computer keyboard with the greater than key highlighted in blue.
How to create a greater than
Creating the > symbol on a U.S. keyboard
On English PC and Mac keyboards, the greater than symbol is on the same key as the period. Pressing and holding down the Shift, and then pressing > creates the greater than symbol.
Creating the > symbol on a smartphone or tablet
To create a greater than symbol on a smartphone or tablet, open the keyboard, go into the numbers (123), then (#+=) or symbols (sym) section, and tap the > symbol.
What is a greater than used for on a computer?
Command prompt
With computers, the greater than symbol is often seen on the command-lineprompt. Below are two examples of command-line prompts using the greater than symbols.
TipA Linux shell often uses a dollar sign ( $ ) instead of a greater than.
Below is an example of how the greater than symbol could be used in math. In the example below, the statement is showing that 10 is greater than 2.
Greater Than Or Equal To In Microsoft Word
When working with negative numbers, the negative number closest to zero is greater than the other negative number. For example, in the example below, the -3 is greater than -7 because it's closer to zero.
If you're working with a negative number and a positive number, the positive number is always greater than the negative number.
Command line append symbol
Below, the greater than symbol is used as an append symbol to append text to a file in the Windows command line.
Below is an example of how the greater than symbol could be used in computer programming. In this example, the if statement is executed if the variable$myvalue is greater than 100. If the variable is less than 100, this section of code is skipped.
TipIn the example above, if you wanted to start matching at '100' and not '101' (because 100 is not greater than 100), you'd type '>=' which indicates greater than or equal to the value.
Markup language
With a markup language, like HTML, the greater than symbol is used to close a tag. For example, in the following code, the greater than symbol is used to end the opening and closing paragraph tag.
What is the other symbol on the greater than key?
On U.S. keyboards, the greater than key is shared with the period key, which may be shown next to or below the greater than symbol.
How do I type a greater than in HTML?
Because the greater than symbol is used to end HTML tags, it cannot be used in text without causing errors. To create a greater than symbol in HTML, use either the encoded entity number > or entity name > in your code. For example, using the code below display '100 > 10' in the text on the web page.
Related pages
Greater than or equal to, GT, Keyboard terms, Less than, Redirect
Page Content
- Letters with Accents – (e.g. ó, ò, ñ)
- Other Foreign Characters – (e.g. ç, ¿, ß)
- Currency Symbols – (e.g. ¢, £, ¥)
- Math Symbols – (e.g. ±, °, ÷)
- Other Punctuation – (e.g. &, ©, §)
- Extra Accents:Extended Keyboard for OS X – (e.g. Ā, ý, č) New Page
Letters with Accents
This list is organized by Accent type. For the Template, the symbol 'V' means any vowel. The format is to hold the first two keys down simultaneously, release, then type the letter you wish to be accented.
Acute | ó Ó | Option+E, V |
Circumflex | ô Ô | Option+I, V |
Grave | ò Ò | Option+`, V |
Tilde | õ Õ | Option+N, V Only works with 'n,N,o,O,a,A' |
Umlaut | ö Ö | Option+U, V |
Example 1: To input the letter ó, hold down the Option key, then the E key. Release both keys then type lowercase o.
Example 2: To input the letter Ó, hold down the Option key, then the E key. Release both keys then type capital O.
Other Foreign Characters
To insert these characters, press the Option key (bottom of keyboard) then other 'code' key to make the symbol appear.
¡ | Upside-down exclamation mark | Option+1 |
¿ | Upside-down question mark | Shift+Option+? |
Ç,ç | French C cedille (caps/lowecase) | Shift+Option+C |
Œ,œ | OE ligature (caps/lowecase) | Shift+Option+Q |
ß | German Sharp/Double S | Option+S |
º, ª | Masculine Ordinal Number (Span/Ital/Portuguese) Feminine Ordinal Number | Option+0 |
Ø,ø | Nordic O slash (caps/lowecase) | Shift+Option+O |
Å,å | Nordic A ring (caps/lowecase) | Shift+Option+A |
Æ,æ | AE ligature (caps/lowecase) | Shift+Option+’ (apostrophe key) |
« » | Spanish/French quotation marks | Option+ |
Example 1: To input French ç (Option+C), hold down the Option, then the C key. The ç will appear.
Example 2: To input French Ç (Shift+Option+C), hold down the Shift key, then the Option key,then the C key. The ç will appear.
Currency Symbols
¢ | Cent sign | Option+4 |
£ | British Pound | Option+3 |
¥ | Japanese Yen | Option+Y |
€ | Euro Sign. | Shift+Option+2 May not be in older fonts. |
ƒ | Dutch Florin | Option+F |
Math Symbols
÷ | Division sign | Option+/ |
± | Plus/minus sign | Shift+Option+= |
° | The degree symbol | Shift+Option+8 |
¬ | 'not' symbol | Option+L |
≥ | Greater than or equal to | Option+> |
≤ | Lesser than or equal to | Option+< |
√ | square root radical sign | Option+V |
π | Pi symbol | Option+P |
∞ | Infinity symbol | Option+5 |
≈ | Approximately | Option+X |
Δ | Delta/Difference | Option+J |
Σ | Sum Sign | Option+W |
∏ | Product Pi Symbol | Shift+Option+P |
Ω | Ohm sign | Option+Z |
µ | Micro | Option+M |
∂ | Partial Derivative | Option+D |
∫ | Integral Sign | Option+B |
‰ | Per Mil (1/1000) Sign | Shift+Option+R |
Other Punctuation
© | Copyright symbol | Option+G |
® | Registered | Option+R |
™ | Trademark | Option+2 |
¶ | Paragraph Symbol | Option+7 |
• | Dot | Option+8 |
§ | Section Symbol | Option+6 |
– | en-dash. Option, then minus sign | Option+- |
— | em-dash | Shift+Option+- |
† | Dagger | Option+T |
Other Symbols
If the symbol you need is not on this page, try these options.